Currently, I am at Ottawa Signatures Christmas Show. Yesterday was the first day of the Show and it was outstanding. I had two nice ladies that passed by telling me that they bought respectively three and two bags last year. They were telling me how useful the armbags are. Honestly, this is why I love doing these consumers Shows so much.... I get direct access to my customers and hear what they have to say about my little arm wallet. It is very precious. Selling to a store is great for product distribution but you don't have this direct communication with the people that are buying your armbags.
Next stop is the One of a Kind Show Toronto, then Chicago and New York. It will be my first time in Chicago and New York and I CAN'T WAIT ;-)))
I'll update my Jupiter Freedom website with the new hands-free bag styles begining of November.
Think about me for your Christmas shopping ;-)
Be hands-free